1 minute read

Recently I programmed a TLS/SSL checker web app - which checks which tls protocol a website is using and also gives a list of SSL vulnerablities the website is prone to. I programmed this script in python using flask framework and now I wanted to deploy it to the server. But little did I know that deploying or setting up a python server with flask can be tricky especially on a apache server.

So, these are my learnings and some useful links - you can read them so that you can finish deploying a python server on Windows apache faster than me ! :)


  • Python - can be downloaded from https://www.python.org/downloads/
  • Flask - can be installed by typing the following command in cmd
    $ pip install flask
  • WfastCGI module - installed by typing the following command in cmd
    $ pip install wfastcgi

Deploying using Windows IIS Server:

  1. I have used this link to install until step IV (As given in the article) with some changes. CGI module will be found in Server Roles > Web Server(IIS) > Web Server > Application Development > CGI
    (If it is not found at the exact location as given in the above article)

  2. After completing all steps – if you get internal server error when you access the website url - you can refer these steps: reference Error an unknown FastCGI error occurred

  3. To deploy it on port eg say :4000:

    • Go to IIS Manager
    • In sites dropdown select the TLS checker website
    • Select edit site > Bindings
    • Select https > edit >
    • Enter port 4000
    • Add hostname
    • You may have to open the port 4000 in inbound firewall rules

  • Deploying using WAMP Server :
  1. This article is very apt but I might go into more details about this installation in coming weeks. https://thilinamad.medium.com/flask-app-deployment-in-windows-apache-server-mod-wsgi-82e1cfeeb2ed

Thank - You for reading !


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